Skin Surgery
Skin surgery is a common and effective approach for various dermatological conditions, including skin cancer, cysts, moles, benign growths, warts, and skin tags. Here’s an overview of how surgery may be utilized for each of these conditions:

Excisional Surgery: For non-melanoma skin cancers, excisional surgery involves cutting out the cancerous tissue along with a margin of healthy skin to ensure complete removal.
- Cyst Removal Surgery: Incision and Drainage: For inflamed or infected cysts, a small incision may be made to drain the contents, relieving pain and promoting healing.
- Excisional Surgery: Complete removal of the cyst may be necessary for recurrent or problematic cysts.
- Mole Removal Surgery:
- Excisional Surgery: Moles that exhibit concerning features may be surgically removed. This is often a straightforward procedure involving the excision of the mole and stitching of the wound.
- Benign Growth Removal Surgery:
- Excisional Surgery: Benign growths such as lipomas or fibromas can be surgically removed if they are symptomatic or causing cosmetic concerns.
- Wart Removal Surgery:
- Excisional Surgery: Surgical removal may be considered for large or resistant warts.
- Skin Tag Removal Surgery:
- Excisional Surgery: Skin tags can be removed by cutting them off with a scalpel or scissors. This is a quick and usually well-tolerated procedure.
It’s important to note that the specific surgical approach depends on the type of lesion, its location, size, and other factors. Dermatologist assesses each case individually and may recommend the most appropriate surgical method based on the diagnosis and patient’s health.
Before undergoing any skin surgery, patients should have a thorough consultation with a dermatologist or surgeon who will explain the procedure, discuss potential risks and benefits, and address any concerns or questions. Regular follow-ups and proper post-operative care are essential for optimal healing and outcomes.