Medicine Made Easy

Direct Primary Care
Dermatology & Wellness

Dr. Ralph A. Brooks


Ralph A. Brooks, MD

Our Clinic Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Exceptional Healthcare

Get the healthcare you deserve. All in one clinic. At VCare America, we’re designed to make your healthcare effortless.
Primary Care. We offer comprehensive healthcare.
Dermatology. We help to get your skin back to health.
Wellness. We treat your imbalances to optimize your health,

Primary Care

Experience healthcare that is accessible now


Restore your hormone and get optimized


Treat your skin conditions and get glowing.

Primary Care

We treat diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, high blood pressure and other health conditions.


We treat psoriasis, eczema, moles, acne, actinic keratosis, varicose veins, skin cancer and skin surgery.


Medical weight managment with semagluide. Men: Low Testosterone & Erectile Disfuntion Women: Harmone Replacement Theropy

Good health is the best investment for you and your family

At V-Care America, we make seeing a health care professional easy. We’ll book your appointment within 24 hours, provide telehealth options when you can’t make it into the clinic and proactively help you navigate your care between primary care, dermatology and wellness.


Available for patient off-site consultations


Primary Care, Dermatology and Wellness

Care Team

Care team approach to help you reaach our health goals.

We Accept Insurances

V-Care America accepts health plans from most insurance carriers, including those listed below.
We update our plans frequently, so call us at (469) 792-6700 or email us at if you don’t see yours listed.

BlueCross BlueShield
United Health