Moles, also known as nevi, are common skin growths that can vary in size, shape, and color. Most moles are harmless; however, some moles may need to be removed for medical or cosmetic reasons.


Genetics plays a significant role in the development of moles

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun can lead to the development of moles. UV radiation can stimulate melanocytes to produce more melanin and form moles

Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and hormonal therapies can influence the development and darkening of moles

Moles can appear at any age, but most tend to develop during childhood and adolescence and continue in adulthood

The immune system plays a role in monitoring and controlling the growth of moles. Changes in immune function can influence the development and appearance of moles

Suspicion of skin cancer. Moles that exhibit changes in size, color, shape, or texture may raise suspicion of skin cancer (melanoma or non-melanoma) and require removal for biopsy and diagnosis

Cosmetic concerns: Some individuals choose to have moles removed for cosmetic reasons, especially if the mole is large, prominent, or in noticeable

Discomfort or irritation. Moles that become irritated due to clothing friction, shaving, or other factors may be removed to alleviate discomfort.

Biopsy, Dermatologists may recommend removing a mole to confirm whether it is benign or malignant through a biopsy

Surgical excision, shave excision, laser removal, electrocautery, and cryotherapy are treatment options for mole removal. Early biopsy and diagnosis can help determine if removal is required. A dermatologist is crucial for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment plan.

If you're dealing with a mole and need guidance on whether it should be removed or if it is benign, you’re not alone. Our dermatologist healthcare professionals specializing in skin disorders are here to provide expert guidance and personalized treatment plans.